Switched at birth season 2 bay and emmett
Switched at birth season 2 bay and emmett

Regina tries to help Bay with Melody at a game night, but it's not as easy as she expected, which leads to Regina defending Bay and confronting Melody about her mistreatment of Bay. In The Tempest, Bay tries to score points with Melody but doesn't have much luck.

switched at birth season 2 bay and emmett

Both of them, upset at each other, get up and leave Bay at the table alone.

switched at birth season 2 bay and emmett

Later, Regina and Angelo get into a fight in front of Bay about the drink Angelo took back and about how Angelo forgot that Regina is sober when Bay told him before they had the meet. Later, Regina goes out with Bay and Angelo. Bay crashes the festival when she hears that Daphne is there. At the festival, Bay's old friend and Wilke's ex-girlfriend Simone Sinclair flirts with Bay's brother Toby. In Starry Night, Bay's brother Toby, James "Wilke" Wilkerson III, and Emmett go to a music festival where they will perform. Bay finds out Daphne, who doesn't know about the relationship, has feelings for Emmett. The Kennish and Vasquez families react negatively to Angelo's return and make it clear they don't want him there, while Bay is happy he's returned and wants to get to know him. In The Homecoming, Bay meets her biological father, Angelo Sorrento, for the first time at an art convention where Bay's art is on display. Bay also meets Emmett's mother Melody, who doesn't approve of their relationship. Before they get the chance to (illegally) put it up, the pair is caught by the police and injured while climbing a barbed wire fence to get away. In Paradise Lost, Bay tells Emmett that for her birthday she wants to see her art on a billboard and enlists his help. Believing that her biological mother didn't want her, Bay turns to Emmett for comfort. Everyone is in shock Bay is in just as much pain. In Pandora's Box, Bay and Emmett's relationship (see Bay-Emmett Relationship) becomes more serious when Regina reveals that she knew about the switch when Angelo had a DNA test done before deciding to leave Regina and Daphne. In The Persistence of Memory, Bay bonds with Daphne's longtime best friend Emmett Bledsoe while working together to find Bay's biological father, and they discover that his name is Angelo Sorrento. In Dogs Playing Poker, the Kennishes have Ty over for dinner and he reveals that he's going away to the army, breaking Bay's heart. Meanwhile, Daphne, Kathryn, and Regina learn that Bay is seeing Tyler Mendosa, a family friend of the Vasquez family. In Dance Amongst Daggers, Bay learns that Daphne is seeing Liam Lupo, Bay's recent ex-boyfriend. Regina insists, "The best thing that guy ever did was leave." Daphne gives Bay a photo of Regina when she was pregnant with Bay, which was taken by Bay's biological father. In Portrait of My Father, Bay begins asking questions about her biological father, which her grandmother and Regina refuse to answer. This leads Regina to start opening up to Bay about her past drinking problems, since Bay saw her AA chips and asked her what they were. They are both at the guest house bonding, and Bay helps Regina paint her wall. In American Gothic, Bay learns more about Regina. Bay learns that Regina has financial trouble, pushing Bay to ask Kathryn if Regina and Daphne can move into the guest house, the reason being they can get to know each other. Bay meets her birth mother, Regina Vasquez, for the first time and discovers that she and Regina have a lot in common. After meeting her, Bay, Kathryn Kennish, and John Kennish find out that Daphne is deaf, and all of them are in shock.

switched at birth season 2 bay and emmett

She proceeds in taking a DNA test, where Bay learns she was switched at birth with another girl, Daphne Vasquez. In This Is Not a Pipe, through a school experiment, Bay discovers that her blood type is different from her family's. Throughout the series, she shows her passion for art. Bay finds out that she was switched at birth, and develops a relationship with her biological mother and the girl she was switched with, Daphne Vasquez.

Switched at birth season 2 bay and emmett